Hospital Upgrade

Our expertise can also be utilised for undertaking up-gradation of existing health care set-ups. Expansion is the need of the hour. With our experience, the entire process of upgrading the current set up can be streamlined and made hassle free.

Our services in this regard can be classified in the following manner:

  • Survey - Status evaluation of the current facilities of the health care set-up.

  • Scope of work - Stipulating the scope for modernisation in the current context.

  • ROI Estimates - Estimating the return on investment proposed for the upgrade of the set up.

  • Sourcing - Guidance and procurement of department wise medical equipment and allied products with respect to the upgrade of the set up.

  • Execution - Time to time guidance in execution of the upgrade.

  • Training - Extensive training to the staff for the medical equipment purchased. Also providing an overview to the hospital biomedical staff for level 1 maintenance.